The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live in that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it,under its roof(barbara kingsolver)... this is the journey of defining my hopes and living them to the fullest...and all the random junk along the way.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Oh the memories...

My roommates and I had the coziest afternoon today! We got up early and baked sugar cookies and then spent HOURS loading them up with frosting and sprinkles while listening to Celine Dion belt out carols as only Celine can. It was SO much fun! My family traditionally gets together for an annual gingerbread-house-from-scratch/cookie decorating party a few days before Christmas in preparation for the upcoming feast. We would all be covered from head to toe with icing and sprinkles and usually more decorations ended up in our tummies than on the cookies. It always felt magical and perfect. Unfortunately, my family has scattered to the four corners and everyone has grown up. Jobs and distance have put a halt to our Ol' Fashion Christmas tradition. In fact it has been nearly 6 years or so since we've all been together for the holidays. Being fiercely in favor of holiday traditions, my heart has been so sad not to have our annual icing party. So today's festivites brought back the warm, fuzzy memories of my childhood... though this time around there was a lot more icing on the cookies and less on my shirt and jeans :) Again my job got in the way and I had to stop decorating WAY before I was ready. But it felt so nice to have my favorite tradition back in full swing and to share it with new folks who have quickly become a huge part of my life and dare I say, my extended family.

I hope you all are feeling the warm fuzzies that the holidays bring! Be sure to honor your old traditions or create some new ones (and stick with 'em)!

Happy Monday before Christmas!

Friday, December 12, 2008


Usually I do my hair myself. I have a hard time paying the unGODly prices at salons for a haircut and forget about getting it colored! LORDY be it costs an arm and a leg. Having said that, I also LOVE having cute hair and am usually pretty diligent about the upkeep of my hair. However, life has gotten the better of me and mine was looking pretty shabby lately. So I decided to splurge. Besides, the work it would take to get my hair into decent shape would require a little more skill and a few more hands than I have.

I made an appointment at a local, higher end salon and found what could quite possibly be Heaven right here in east Montgomery. I guess I should be ashamed that it took 3 HOURS to get my hair into shape... but it did and I'm not. I LOVED every minute of it! My stylist gave me a robe to change into (a first for me) and then spent a good bit of time finding just the right shade that made my eyes "pop". And then... this woman had hands of an angel! I kid you not! I have a very tender head. Most salon sessions are tortuous for me. Not one little baby hair misses a painful tug. Anyway, this time was different. I barely felt the comb in my hair or the stylist's hands wash, cut, dye or style my hair. It was like a 3 hour head massage!!! It was WONDERFUL!!!! The end product is nice. It the first hair cut I haven't had to make excuses for i.e. "it'll look better when it grows out a little", or "it always freaks out a little right after a new haircut". But the process was the best! It was just what the doctor ordered! I've been so stressed out lately and after a few short hours in the salon... everything seems so much better! It really does pay to pamper yourself every once in a while! I highly recommend it!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Who knew???

I'm not sure if this is old news or not. Since I work such crazy hours and shifts, I am sometimes a little late with current events. BUT I just found out that Obama is a SMOKER!!!! I had no idea! I kind of look at him differently now. I read that he admits to quitting and falling off the wagon here and there. I have no doubt that the campaign trail is not the ideal serene environment one turns to when trying to rid oneself of an addiction that sends the body into the throws of anxiety-ridden withdrawals. BUT with the cost of healthcare such it is and with cigarette smoking being one of the leading contributors of heart and lung disease... I find it a bit contradictory on his part. Now don't misunderstand me. I understand the addiction and I am in no way implying that giving up nicotine is or will be easy when/if he decides to quit (and no offense to smokers out there who have attempted to quit, failed at quitting or never plan on quitting). I'm just saying that finding out he smokes kind of tarnished his glowing image I had of him. That's all. Mind you I wish him luck and hope he does decide to quit (as I wish for everyone). Great if he does but its job security for me if he doesn't ;)

Today (Wednesday) is Human Rights Day. As such there is a group out there encouraging everyone to "call in gay" to work today... not sick, gay. This is to show what an impact gays and lesbians make on the workforce and thus world at large. Uh.....Who knew?

How 'bout that randomness to perk up your day! Hope its a good one!

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

3 a.m. Ramblings

I decided not to travel right now. I've been in turmoil about it for some time. My recruiter was having a hard time finding an assignment that would pay an hourly rate close to what I'm making now. Plus the only element of travel that appeals to me is the travel. I want, rather I NEED a vacation! So to travel at a smaller pay rate means working more and traveling less...NOT different from what I'm doing now. Where's the appeal of packing up, driving across the country to do the EXACT same thing? Doesn't exist folks!!! PLUS I was offered a better contract at my current hospital. So it looks like MGM is gonna be home for a little bit longer. :)

I forgot (in just one short year) how difficult it is to live with other people. My new roommates and I have had a few tiffs....ugh! Its childish really but there is nothing easy about being with someone nearly 24/7 adding in the special "issues" we all bring to the mix. It is STRESSFUL to say the least. We're hanging in there by whatever strings there are to hold on to...but we're hanging!

I am at a loss-yet again- for Christmas present ideas. I had VERY good intentions of starting early and being finished by now but with only 2 presents under my belt, I have failed miserably... and I have about 7 days to get it all done before I work again. The pressure's on!

There is this condition that exists in the ICU. Its called ICU psychosis. It comes on without much warning and is a nightmare for the patient and nurse not to mention the family if they happen to witness it. It happens when days and nights get mixed up and sleep patterns are severely altered. Add in anti-anxiety meds and/or pain meds and there ya go...a vicious cycle of confusion that usually ends with nurses close to a break down and a patient in some sort of restraint. Ya'll I had the CUTEST patient the other night who came down with a bad case of it and lost her EVER LOVIN' mind! She was soooo sweet about it though. Despite the inappropriateness of her behavior, it really did show the true content of her character. She was the sweetest little southern hostess. She was in her room (in the ICU) trying to serve cake to her husband and neighbors. She attempted several times to get out of bed to get the cake and even offered to make a fresh one (warm apple walnut, I believe it was). Mind you these people were not there, seeing as how it was 2 o'clock in the morning. AND one of her "dear sweet" friends, Mr. Furrow was having a terrible fit of itching and this sweet thing again, tried to get out of bed to rub him down with Witch Hazel. She just couldn't understand, for the life of her, why I wouldn't talk to these people or let her go tend to them. The cake was goin' to waste if someone didn't eat it and poor Mr. Furrow was havin' a terrible time and needed a rub down. Evidently, she saw a baby lying in water that she needed to save. (Imagine the guilt I felt in telling her she couldn't save that baby). Even in her bouts of crazy, this woman was doing her best, literally risking injury, to help her friends and loved ones. I want to be that kind of person. I want service to be second nature, so much so that even when I am 80 some-odd years old, laid up in the hospital with broken bones and have lost my mind, I'm still trying to serve cake and Witch Hazel. Today, though she was completely better. She finally got a good night's sleep and the psychosis went away. She'll be going home soon to actually serve cake for Christmas. (Hope Mr. Furrow is doing well)

Hope all is well...Christmas shopping and what-not. Happy Tuesday!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

TA DA!!!!!!!!!!!!

As promised... My Christmas Tree...


Doesn't she clean up nice???

and a couple of close-ups

Merry Christmas!!!!!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008


I woke up this morning with the hymn Great Is Thy Faithfulness FULL blast in my head! I think someone is trying to tell me something...about trusting Him and how things are going to work out... can't be sure but... I haven't heard/sung that hymn in quite some time so...coincidence???? I think not!

I wanted to share this picture for sometime but it was stuck on my phone while my memory card was MIA. I took this picture on my phone the other morning at work so mind you it's not great quality plus pictures NEVER do justice to the real thing BUT... It is the view from my patient's room. The sunrise was so breathtaking that I actually woke the patient up to see it. I felt she NEEDED to see it (it in fact turnout to be her last one). Several of the nurses and I stood there at the window until the sun had completely risen... unable to tear ourselves away from what we were seeing. So here it is... just imagine the colors more vibrant than you have EVER seen!

*Update* My recruiter called me yesterday after my frantic email (I wasn't able to talk to him though). He left me a message assuring me that he had plenty of positions for me. I just have to call him and let him know where I am most interested. So yay!...and EEK!!! It scares me to think of traveling across country alone. But I think I'm up for the challenge....

Monday, December 01, 2008

One Less

I have one and only one apartment now. I turned in my key to my old apartment today! HOORAY! It was a bit was the first place I lived totally alone...roommate free! I had all the space to was a good apartment. It will be missed...

I STILL haven't heard from the Laguna Hills hospital! I emailed my recruiter today to let him know that he needs to step things up a bit. I told him too that I would be willing to take an assignment without my friend/roommate. I can't afford to wait for us to get an assignment together...seeing as how as of Dec. 23rd...I am jobless! I've freaked a couple of times when the finality of that date sinks in. I've resorted to looking for local (and not so local) jobs just in case this travel thing doesn't work out. Honestly, I've never heard of someone having so much trouble finding an assignment. I think it's waiting around for a respiratory job and nursing job at the same facility that's causing the hold up. So I'm not going to wait anymore...and I'm SCARED!!! I'm trying to stay calm and prayerful and patient. (its not working out so well)

(Jumping subjects) It is ABSOLUTELY beautiful around here!!! Don't you think we have had the prettiest fall EVER!?! The trees around here literally look like they are on fire! The leaves are yellowish orange on the inside of the tree and change into a BRILLIANT red on the outside and when the sun shines on them it actually looks like they are glowing!!! I tend to feel closest to God when I am outside. I always feel renewed, comforted, and at peace. I can't begin to tell you what this fall has done for my spirit. Despite the stress of moving and job changes, when I look outside my window...everything feels ok. (how cheesy does that sound???)

My roommates and I are going to pick out a Christmas tree tomorrow! I am sooooo excited! Its gonna be a real one! I haven't had a real one since high school! This should be fun! I'll post pictures as soon as its up and all decorated!

Hope everyone is enjoying the season! I pray you see Him all around you...everyday!
Happy Monday!