The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live in that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it,under its roof(barbara kingsolver)... this is the journey of defining my hopes and living them to the fullest...and all the random junk along the way.

Monday, July 28, 2008

I HAVE to do it!!!

My pantry is bare. My fridge is reduced to a few blueberries and some cheese...oh and Diet Dr. Pepper. I HAVE to go grocery shopping! And I'm fighting it tooth and nail. I HATE HATE HATE IT!!!!! I thought I was just being lazy because I drag my feet everytime my cabinets get bare. But I've realized that grocery shopping is a source of anxiety for me. If I'm anything, I'm indecisive. True to Libra form, I would much rather let other people decide and I'll just follow a long. The grocery store is one decision after another. It should be easy...I'm feeding myself. I know what I like to eat. But I am trying to add variety to my life, especially to my diet and I get tired of eating the same ol' same ol'. I'm so tired of prepackaged foods I could scream and my mind is BLANK as I try to think of something new and fresh. I'm completely overwhelmed as I wander around trying to decide what would be good... what haven't I had before... what can I cook and freeze or what will last me all week long as I work...UGH! Decisions Decisions!

But I'm starving and I can't survive on blueberries and cheese... And although my spirit COULD possibly survive on Diet Dr. Pepper alone, eventually I'm gonna need some protein...sigh. So here I go....grrrr


Marissa said...

I wish I was there. I would totally do your grocery shopping for you. I love it. Making lists, picking out products, and planning menus! Can I be your personal assistant? :)

Stephanie said...

have you tried parma rosa pasta sauce? i love it. wal-mart doesn't have it, but publix does. it comes in a little packet. we toss (cooked) chicken, zucchini/squash, and ziti in it. it's fresh, healthy, not complicated, fast, and keeps well.

that's my grocery suggestion of the week.

i don't mind the store, but i hate multi-tasking in the store. such as - thinking about budget, trying not to forget anything, silas' feeding schedule (am i running out of time?), and keeping asher from pulling down all the canned goods.

my favorite grocery moment was us in wal-mart, with asher bellowing down the aisles, "patience! patience!" (i kept telling him to be patient.) people all over the store were laughing at us.