Monday, October 27, 2008
Late night road trips...
Sunday night I got a call at work from my mom. My mom rarely calls me at work so I knew something wasn't right. She called to tell me that my brother was in a car accident... in Panama City, Florida. His car was totalled and he hurt is back were the only details she had at the time. Of course my mind, being medically inclined, assumed the worst! So I left work and off we went on a 4 hour drive in the middle of the night to go find out what happened and possibly bring home a mamed memeber of our family. I knew he had been discharged so I figured he wasn't paralyzed but...still. It was THE LONGEST drive ever!!!! So we got to the hospital at around 1 a.m. to find out that he had not only hurt his back but... IT IS BROKEN!!!! He isn't paralyzed and it will heal but his back is broken!!! Its the lower part of his back and its the front part of the vertebral body so the fracture is as far away from the spinal cord as you can get if you're gonna break your back. He is obviously in a lot of pain and will be for quite some time. He will have to be in a back brace for quite some time as well. He is EXTREMELY lucky to be a. alive and b. walking around. His girlfriend was with him and got pretty banged up. No broken bones but she has a pretty bad case of whiplash. She has a few cuts and bruises... nothing that won't heal. They were pretty lucky. I covet your prayers for a speedy recovery for the both of them. I'll keep you posted on their recovery.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Random Epiphanies
I'm moving in 19 or so days!!! Can i just say that I am dreading it like i dread a case of...oh let's see...diarrhea!!!!! I hate hate hate moving! Don't get me wrong, I am excited about my new apartment and the changes that will ensue. But the actual packing boxes and lugging them across town and up stairs and unpacking them... NOT my idea of a good time. It could be that in the last 12 years since I graduated high school, I have moved about as many times. My new roomies are so excited and gung ho about having friends and family all getting together and making a day out the experience.... BAHH HUMBUG is all I have to say! I think God invented big strong men with big trucks for just such occasions... who am I to deny them the opportunity to display their God given ability? And as frivolous as it sounds, I would be SO willing to pay said big strong men to do all the work for me! I think I am dreading it so badly that it is hindering my packing process... I haven't packed a THING!!!! *sigh*
I applied for my California nursing license. I have to get my fingerprints and school transcripts and ship them to the Cali state board of nursing... and voila! I'll be licensed in more than one state! I'm starting to anticipate the vulnerability of going to a new place. I have such a bubble of comfort here.... I know the doctors I work for; I know how they work, what they want and as much as you can in nursing, I know what to expect. The nurses and therapists I work with get along really well and have such a good time together...Its scary to leave my little bubble.. I'm going to miss it!
I just realized that I feel anonymous a lot of the time. I kinda think that when out of sight, I'm out of mind. I say this because a friend of mine...(friend because we work together) expressed to me that she was really disappointed that we don't hang out outside of work. She asked why i never call her to go shopping or to dinner and movies with my other friends. I honestly had no idea that she gave me second thought once we clocked out. She has such a busy do a lot of my other friends.. with children and well, life. I don't know why it is so odd to me that people want to spend time with just is...
So that's whats going on in my head...@ 2:30 in the a.m......
I applied for my California nursing license. I have to get my fingerprints and school transcripts and ship them to the Cali state board of nursing... and voila! I'll be licensed in more than one state! I'm starting to anticipate the vulnerability of going to a new place. I have such a bubble of comfort here.... I know the doctors I work for; I know how they work, what they want and as much as you can in nursing, I know what to expect. The nurses and therapists I work with get along really well and have such a good time together...Its scary to leave my little bubble.. I'm going to miss it!
I just realized that I feel anonymous a lot of the time. I kinda think that when out of sight, I'm out of mind. I say this because a friend of mine...(friend because we work together) expressed to me that she was really disappointed that we don't hang out outside of work. She asked why i never call her to go shopping or to dinner and movies with my other friends. I honestly had no idea that she gave me second thought once we clocked out. She has such a busy do a lot of my other friends.. with children and well, life. I don't know why it is so odd to me that people want to spend time with just is...
So that's whats going on in my head...@ 2:30 in the a.m......
Saturday, October 18, 2008
2nd blog today...
Because I am the QUEEN of procrastination and my job contributes to my putting things off, I have a TON of things to do around my house. The most daunting task is going through the GI-NORMOUS pile of mail on my dining room table. I have not 1, not 2, not even 3... but S-E-V-E-N magazines to go through, 3 movies to watch and COUNTLESS credit card offers that must be shredded and thrown out....deep breath and sigh....Here's a picture of the task in front of me....
My WICKED Birthday...

Ya'll I had the best birthday EVER! My mom and friend Rebeccah and I went to Atlanta to see the Broadway musical Wicked. It was in no uncertain terms.... AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is hands down my favorite musical so far... and I've seen a lot of musicals. If you've never heard of it... it is the story of the Wicked Witch of the West before we meet her in the Wizard of Oz. It is completely unexpected! I am such a fan!!!!! It is supposed to come to Birmingham in April of '09
so if you live around here and have the chance to go... DO IT!!!!!! You won't be sorry! Here are some pictures to pique your interest

Monday, October 06, 2008
good friends, good food and carving pumpkins
Jeff is my best friend. We fight like cats and dogs on good days and on bad days... forget about it! He's like a brother to me honestly. We don't get to spend a lot of time together just being friends.. hanging out, watching TV, being silly, doing pointless things or having pointless conversations. This weekend was different though. We did all of those things.
Saturday we watched some really bad Auburn football. I cooked lasagna, salad, garlic bread and peach cobbler. Then... we carved pumpkins!!!! Oh SO MUCH FUN!!! Jeff had never carved a pumpkin and I, being the queen of holiday traditions, thought that was appalling and felt an URGENT need to remedy that astonishing fact. It's a bit early to display them for Halloween but I am not above re-carving new ones before then.
Sunday, we wandered around Wal-Mart grocery/whatever-we-wanted shopping. Then we baked cookies, ate ham sandwiches, flopped on the couch and watched our favorite TV show (shameless plug for Brothers and Sisters... love love love it!) and then a scary movie.
It was so good to not fight for once and just enjoy each other's company and do nothing in particular. Our lives are so busy and complicated at times, we forget to spend time just being friends.
I'm including pictures of our pumpkins. Mine is the more intricately carved one. My dad said he thinks I may have missed my calling... Thanks Dad! No more saving lives for me! I'm going to carve pumpkins for a living! HA HA!!!

Mine...a spider and it's web

Saturday we watched some really bad Auburn football. I cooked lasagna, salad, garlic bread and peach cobbler. Then... we carved pumpkins!!!! Oh SO MUCH FUN!!! Jeff had never carved a pumpkin and I, being the queen of holiday traditions, thought that was appalling and felt an URGENT need to remedy that astonishing fact. It's a bit early to display them for Halloween but I am not above re-carving new ones before then.
Sunday, we wandered around Wal-Mart grocery/whatever-we-wanted shopping. Then we baked cookies, ate ham sandwiches, flopped on the couch and watched our favorite TV show (shameless plug for Brothers and Sisters... love love love it!) and then a scary movie.
It was so good to not fight for once and just enjoy each other's company and do nothing in particular. Our lives are so busy and complicated at times, we forget to spend time just being friends.
I'm including pictures of our pumpkins. Mine is the more intricately carved one. My dad said he thinks I may have missed my calling... Thanks Dad! No more saving lives for me! I'm going to carve pumpkins for a living! HA HA!!!

Saturday, October 04, 2008
Chatter Brained...
I have this thing that I do that drives me absolutely insane and there is nothing I can seem to do to change it. I worry and I wonder way too much... I mull things over in my head and examine it from every possible angle until I end up spending days completely distracted and nights wide awake and miserable. And the crazy thing is is that what I mull over are stupid, simple things that I should already be aware of or my opinion of or feelings toward things/people. I have the hardest time admitting how I feel.... even to myself. I guess for fear of feeling completely vulnerable or out of control. Why am I not ok with feeling that way in my own head... privately? I get not wanting to feel insecure in public...for the world to see but with myself. I've known myself forever and for the most part am completely accepting of myself. Hmmmmm....I only bring this up because I am completely exhausted. I haven't slept in 3 nights. Well, at least not like I need to. And its only because I can't shut my mind up!
Friday, October 03, 2008
Girls' Night Out
My friend Rebeccah's birthday was Wednesday so we thought it very fitting to have a girls' night out at our favorite restaurant.... PF Chang's. If you have never heard of it, you should IMMEDIATELY Google it and make your way to the nearest location. It is AMAZINGLY good. At first it was just going to be Beccah and myself but another good friend of mine is going through a pretty rough break up and another has been tied down to 4 kids for the past oh... 18 years and has never been, they decided to join us for a Happy-Birthday-Let's-Forget-About-Men-Hallelujah-No-Kids-Thank Goodness-We're-Finally-Off-Work! full out shindig...
We dressed up, got dolled up, found our little girl sillies and hit the road! We laughed the entire way up to Birmingham. We sang...badly... and at the top of our lungs. The ride alone was great. Just to get out of town for a little while...ahhhh! It was a bit chilly by Alabama standards but we braved the cold and sat out on the balcony looking out at the mountains.....except our view was obscured but a GI-NORMOUS ceramic horse's hiney... but it was a spectacular horse's hiney. We all ordered an adult beverage in celebration of being just that...adults! I had the BEST glass of Riesling....EVER! Its a soft, fruity white wine. YUMMY! The other girls sampled a PF Changs exclusive Plum Collins....a fruity, tropical drink of sorts. We all relaxed and laughed and ordered anything and everything we wanted. (Calories didn't count tonight) My friend Gwen (the one with 4 kids) was a blast to watch. She was like a little kid experiencing things for the first time! We had the best time forgetting about everything that has us stressed back at home.
It was the PERFECT beginning to my FAVORITE time of the year! Here are a few pictures of the night's festivities

The Girls

Our View

Rebeccah and Me

Gwen discovers lettuce wraps

Mr Pum Collins himself...

Good thing calories didn't count! Look at this Cheesecake!

Happy Birthday Beccah!

Hammin' it up for the camera
We dressed up, got dolled up, found our little girl sillies and hit the road! We laughed the entire way up to Birmingham. We sang...badly... and at the top of our lungs. The ride alone was great. Just to get out of town for a little while...ahhhh! It was a bit chilly by Alabama standards but we braved the cold and sat out on the balcony looking out at the mountains.....except our view was obscured but a GI-NORMOUS ceramic horse's hiney... but it was a spectacular horse's hiney. We all ordered an adult beverage in celebration of being just that...adults! I had the BEST glass of Riesling....EVER! Its a soft, fruity white wine. YUMMY! The other girls sampled a PF Changs exclusive Plum Collins....a fruity, tropical drink of sorts. We all relaxed and laughed and ordered anything and everything we wanted. (Calories didn't count tonight) My friend Gwen (the one with 4 kids) was a blast to watch. She was like a little kid experiencing things for the first time! We had the best time forgetting about everything that has us stressed back at home.
It was the PERFECT beginning to my FAVORITE time of the year! Here are a few pictures of the night's festivities
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Picture this.. after nearly 2 months without a microwave, I came home after a brief outing to a BRAND NEW (to me) M-I-C-R-O-W-A-V-E!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!! I felt I should cook something in it but alas since it HAS been nearly 2 months... I have no microwavable food in my house. I guess I'll have to cook something so I can nuke the leftovers...HAHA!!! Such is life but PRAISE JESUS I have my microwave back!
I finished the first round of paperwork/applications for my travel company. I'll talk with my recruiter this week and find out what's next. I have a feeling I'll have to start applying for licensure in other states...Another friend of mine wants to travel with me so there will be at least 3 of us traveling together so it sounds like this is going to be good times! We've almost narrowed down where we're going first... Reno, Nevada is looking like the front runner.
That's about it for now...Happy Wednesday ya'll!
Blog at ya later!
I finished the first round of paperwork/applications for my travel company. I'll talk with my recruiter this week and find out what's next. I have a feeling I'll have to start applying for licensure in other states...Another friend of mine wants to travel with me so there will be at least 3 of us traveling together so it sounds like this is going to be good times! We've almost narrowed down where we're going first... Reno, Nevada is looking like the front runner.
That's about it for now...Happy Wednesday ya'll!
Blog at ya later!
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