The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live in that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it,under its roof(barbara kingsolver)... this is the journey of defining my hopes and living them to the fullest...and all the random junk along the way.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Late night road trips...

Sunday night I got a call at work from my mom. My mom rarely calls me at work so I knew something wasn't right. She called to tell me that my brother was in a car accident... in Panama City, Florida. His car was totalled and he hurt is back were the only details she had at the time. Of course my mind, being medically inclined, assumed the worst! So I left work and off we went on a 4 hour drive in the middle of the night to go find out what happened and possibly bring home a mamed memeber of our family. I knew he had been discharged so I figured he wasn't paralyzed but...still. It was THE LONGEST drive ever!!!! So we got to the hospital at around 1 a.m. to find out that he had not only hurt his back but... IT IS BROKEN!!!! He isn't paralyzed and it will heal but his back is broken!!! Its the lower part of his back and its the front part of the vertebral body so the fracture is as far away from the spinal cord as you can get if you're gonna break your back. He is obviously in a lot of pain and will be for quite some time. He will have to be in a back brace for quite some time as well. He is EXTREMELY lucky to be a. alive and b. walking around. His girlfriend was with him and got pretty banged up. No broken bones but she has a pretty bad case of whiplash. She has a few cuts and bruises... nothing that won't heal. They were pretty lucky. I covet your prayers for a speedy recovery for the both of them. I'll keep you posted on their recovery.

1 comment:

Marissa said...

Hey! So sorry to hear about your brother. I hope his recovery is a speedy one.

Thanks for your sweet comments. I know my crimson attire is a little disturbing, but I never wear anything that actually says Alabama. :)

Are you moving to Cali??