I have actually had some time to do a little shopping though. HOUSE shopping that is! I've known for a while that I want a house. I'm ready to put GOBS of money toward something I OWN at the end of the day! I also just knew I wanted to move back to a bigger city, namely Birmingham. So most of my shopping was directed in that area. And Birmingham DID NOT disappoint! I found PLENTY of places I wouldn't mind living! The only thing slowing me down and stressing me out was the supply of jobs...or lack there of! As a nurse, I've taken for granted that I would always be in demand or that I could pick up and go anywhere and be able to step into a job. Not so folks, simply not so! Nursing is just like any other career out there and is just as effected by supply and demand. Needless to say, the job search at best was dismal.
My current apartment lease ends in November. So the pressure was on to find a house and a job. Added to the mix is trying to figure out how I'm going to manage a long-distance relationship. Distance doesn't usually bode well for couples, so the fear of my relationship falling apart was also in the back of my mind. Chris (my BF) is starting school here in Montgomery and is also locked into a lease of his own. We are at the stage in our relationship where marriage is definitely in our future so space is not something we want... or need.
Needless to say, I've been stressed and confused and worried. As much as I hate to admit it, I am hard wired to worry. And its only gotten worse as I've gotten older. I literally worried myself sick! After a long and very painful bout of daily headaches, indigestion and a horrible case of shingles (on my face!!!!!), I made a decision! I decided all signs were keeping me close to home. I can't, in good conscious, buy a house on a wing and a prayer that a job will follow. Commuting long term back and forth from Birmingham to Montgomery defeats that purpose of moving and is therefore, not an option. With Chris in school, our time together is limited anyway, WHY would I move so far away from him and risk NEVER seeing him? PLUS, I would be moving away from my mom and grandmother...who combined with Chris are my WORLD!!!!
Deciding to stay put, I started looking at houses in Montgomery and relunctently in my home town. Suprisingly, I found exactly what I was looking for in the last place I thought I'd find it. I have put up a valiant fight to never move back to my home town for as long as I can remember. But seeing that MY plans were only making me sick, I opted to broadend my thinking and embrace the possibility of making my old home town, my new one too. I found a new neighborhood that I fell in LOVE with! There are only about 10 houses there now with plans for about 200 more! The builders are energy conscious and build the houses "green" so to speak. I've signed a million papers including a check....and bought myself a little piece of property on a street with a cute little name and I'm building myself a little home where Chris and I will live "Happily Ever After".
Now the headaches and indestion are gone! The only sign of shingles is a scar on my forehead. I lie awake at night now wondering where I'm going to put my couch or where I'm going to hang my paintings. I don't mind that so much!
Construction has begun. Well, the beginning of construction anyyway. I've picked out colors of paint,(doesn't "Beach House" sound warm and inviting?) and granite and tile and carpet and door styles (by the way, my front door WILL be red!!!). I have signed off on every light can, every bush, and every shingle! It is supposed to take only 60 days to complete! I can't believe it! Everything is so surreal but feels so very right!
I don't have many pictures yet as there isn't much to show of my home but I'm going to show you what I've got. There will be more to come and I can't wait to show you!

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