This weekend was monumental! My mom and grandmother (my closest family members) met my in-laws this weekend. EVERY.SINGLE.IN-LAW. It was a monumental SUCCESS!!!! My grandmother has the tendency to tire out easily and my mom has the tendency to shy away from loud people and big crowds. The potential for disaster was fairly high. Half of Chris' family is old, mint-julep SOUTHERN and the other is loud, vocal Italian-Italian... you know the kind Jersey, pasta, everybody loves Mama.... Anyway... needless to say there are a LOT of characters on his side. Its like if the Cake Boss (TLC... watch it if you haven't) met Steele Magnolias. Big personalities with big volumes and I love every minute of it. I was worried though, that my mom would be shy and my grandmother would be too tired but from the moment they arrived, they loved every moment of everyday too!!!
His family lives in Plains, GA. Its pretty much like Mayberry(no exaggeration). It's the home of Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States.... and peanuts. History abounds, charm oozes from every storefront and around every corner is someone related to Chris' mom's in some shape or form. In 2.5 days we stayed and 37 meals we ate, we managed to meet, eat with and hear at least 2 embarrassing stories about each family member with the exception of a sister-in-law and a wayward brother. We laughed and ate and laughed and ate some more. We visited every Jimmy Carter exhibit known to man. Much to my surprise, my grandmother kept up. And mom didn't once feel the need to retreat into herself. There was never lack for conversation nor was there any awkwardness. In fact my grandmother said she never felt more rested or rejuvenated after a vacation. She's still talking about what a good time she had.
I am so relieved that everyone likes everyone! I felt the beginnings of traditions forming. I see us ALL getting together for holidays, birthdays and just because. I can't wait for our kids to grow up in the love and acceptance I felt as we sat around the dinner table. It feels like we've always been family. We fit and it feels like home.
what a good weekend!!!!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
I am absolutely, positively, in-my-bones exhausted! I have had the most emotional week this week. And its only Thursday...6 a.m. on Thursday.
I've been building a house as everyone knows. AND planning a wedding... So with both of those things comes the need for lots of money. I've been working like my life depends on it for several months now, putting EVERY un-allotted penny into savings. I've gone should see my hair and my toes! The usually freshly painted piggies are naked and my heels are beginning to feel like sandpaper (how that's possible when my feet are constantly in shoes is beyond me). Don't get me started on the 2 shades darker roots that are making their way to my ears...and the grey hair!!!!! My WORD!
I'm at the home stretch with saving for my house. I've got just a little more money to save but the couple of extra shifts at work should tie up loose ends and even allow for a hefty down payment on the weding cruise. EXCEPT....... my unit at work closed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But wait, mine isn't the only one. There are 2 ICU's that have indefintely shut down!
My hospital has become very budget conscious lately and the powers that be are going to extreme measures to get back into the black. The nurses are taking a huge hit. I have no idea when I'll be able to work a full schedule. I've been lucky the past couple of days and have picked up some of my shifts in another unit. I was informed though that I can't keep doing that for several reasons. 1. I have to be available for my unit in case it re-opens despite the fact that there are no plans for that, 2. Other nurses (who's units have closed or who actually belong to the open units) can work too.
On top of not knowing when I'm going to work, I used up all my PTO (vacation time) because A. this isn't the first time this has happened, B. I was sick several months back and had to miss some work, C. I wasn't able to work a few days this closing so I had to use what was left.
I'm so conflicted! I have so many financial demands right now. I am scared to DEATH that I'm not going to be able to keep up and I'm going to lose what I've been working so hard for. I've been looking at job options available out there. The search has been dismal at best. I've always wanted to do what I'm doing now. The thought of starting something new...especially right now, is daunting. I can't imagine being another kind of nurse. I've toyed with the idea of going back to school but now is also not a good time. With Chris being in school and taking on a new mortage, I think that would be taking on too much.
I'm tryin to stay positive. I'm praying that the unit will re-open and I can resume work as usual. It's so hard to have faith that things are going to be ok with the obstacles seem insurrmountable. But I guess that's when you need faith the most...
On a different mom and grandmother are meeting the in-laws this weekend. We're all driving over to GA to spend some quality time with one another before we all become hitched. It should be fun. I like my in-laws. I think I lucked out. I could use some time away to forget about work or lack thereof. Should be fun! I'll let ya know how it goes!
I've been building a house as everyone knows. AND planning a wedding... So with both of those things comes the need for lots of money. I've been working like my life depends on it for several months now, putting EVERY un-allotted penny into savings. I've gone should see my hair and my toes! The usually freshly painted piggies are naked and my heels are beginning to feel like sandpaper (how that's possible when my feet are constantly in shoes is beyond me). Don't get me started on the 2 shades darker roots that are making their way to my ears...and the grey hair!!!!! My WORD!
I'm at the home stretch with saving for my house. I've got just a little more money to save but the couple of extra shifts at work should tie up loose ends and even allow for a hefty down payment on the weding cruise. EXCEPT....... my unit at work closed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But wait, mine isn't the only one. There are 2 ICU's that have indefintely shut down!
My hospital has become very budget conscious lately and the powers that be are going to extreme measures to get back into the black. The nurses are taking a huge hit. I have no idea when I'll be able to work a full schedule. I've been lucky the past couple of days and have picked up some of my shifts in another unit. I was informed though that I can't keep doing that for several reasons. 1. I have to be available for my unit in case it re-opens despite the fact that there are no plans for that, 2. Other nurses (who's units have closed or who actually belong to the open units) can work too.
On top of not knowing when I'm going to work, I used up all my PTO (vacation time) because A. this isn't the first time this has happened, B. I was sick several months back and had to miss some work, C. I wasn't able to work a few days this closing so I had to use what was left.
I'm so conflicted! I have so many financial demands right now. I am scared to DEATH that I'm not going to be able to keep up and I'm going to lose what I've been working so hard for. I've been looking at job options available out there. The search has been dismal at best. I've always wanted to do what I'm doing now. The thought of starting something new...especially right now, is daunting. I can't imagine being another kind of nurse. I've toyed with the idea of going back to school but now is also not a good time. With Chris being in school and taking on a new mortage, I think that would be taking on too much.
I'm tryin to stay positive. I'm praying that the unit will re-open and I can resume work as usual. It's so hard to have faith that things are going to be ok with the obstacles seem insurrmountable. But I guess that's when you need faith the most...
On a different mom and grandmother are meeting the in-laws this weekend. We're all driving over to GA to spend some quality time with one another before we all become hitched. It should be fun. I like my in-laws. I think I lucked out. I could use some time away to forget about work or lack thereof. Should be fun! I'll let ya know how it goes!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Chris and I went to our house at midnight tonight on a whim. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! It already... bare walls, empty rooms and all...feels like home. We were talking about where furniture will fit, what pictures I want where. I can't wait to bring it to life! I could feel us living there... married... cooking dinner, paying bills, entertaining friends, the whole 9! I have wanted this for so long. THIS! This house, this man, this life! I can't believe I am watching my dreams come into fruition! I am so blessed! I can't wait to see where life takes us!
Wedding plans are starting to take shape. We decided to hop on a boat and get married on an island somewhere. Well, not just anywhere. More specifically St Thomas in the Virgin Islands. Its turning out to be the best idea we could've come up with. Its the most cost effective since Chris is in school and only working part time. It allows us to get married and go on a honeymoon all at once. It looks like we're going to set sail March 20th and I think that makes our wedding day March 23rd. Little known fact is our wedding date will be exactly our 2 year anniversary of reuniting. YAY how sweet huh???
So its been a while since I posted pics of my house so I'll close with one....the final product...I am so proud of her!
Wedding plans are starting to take shape. We decided to hop on a boat and get married on an island somewhere. Well, not just anywhere. More specifically St Thomas in the Virgin Islands. Its turning out to be the best idea we could've come up with. Its the most cost effective since Chris is in school and only working part time. It allows us to get married and go on a honeymoon all at once. It looks like we're going to set sail March 20th and I think that makes our wedding day March 23rd. Little known fact is our wedding date will be exactly our 2 year anniversary of reuniting. YAY how sweet huh???
So its been a while since I posted pics of my house so I'll close with one....the final product...I am so proud of her!

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