The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live in that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it,under its roof(barbara kingsolver)... this is the journey of defining my hopes and living them to the fullest...and all the random junk along the way.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

I want one.....

folks I think my biological clock is ticking.... I know and am in direct contact with... count them 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! women who are pregnant or have in the last week or so, given birth. Today while I was sitting in the nail salon....I swear I saw 17 pregnant women walk past the ONLY window I had to gaze out! Not to mention grandmothers with their itty bitty granddaughters out for a stroll (no doubt to give mommy some much needed alone time), the dads taking their sons to tae kwon do (sp) down the street, and the countless parents pushing strollers in my apt. complex! I'm surrounded and I can't help but feel a little left out... I've always wanted to be a mom and I LOVE LOVE LOVE children... I just feel like my time is running out! It makes me so sad.... What's a girl to do? Sigh... maybe I'll get a puppy...

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