The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live in that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it,under its roof(barbara kingsolver)... this is the journey of defining my hopes and living them to the fullest...and all the random junk along the way.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Worried and Tired of Waiting

I haven't heard anything from the California hospital and it has me worried. I'm telling myself that since we're just coming off the weekend, I should give it time....and since its almost Thanksgiving..., But I walked into work this week and saw my replacement already orienting!!! Which in essence means that when my contract is up in December, I have NO way of signing a new contract. There is no vacancy for me to fill. SO if for some reason I don't have an assignment, I'm out of a job!!!!! I am trying so hard to be patient and to keep a calm spirit about me but got bills to pay!!! I'm kinda peeved at my boss as well. I am well aware that as a contract nurse, he has no obligation to me; when my contract is up, its up. He is under no obligation to renew me. But since I've been here, um longer than he has... you would think he would have just a WEE little bit of loyalty toward me. But no, I haven't OFFICIALLY given him a notice and my contract isn't OFFICIALLY up and he has me replaced and without a job!!!!! So needless to say, I'm a little on edge. My weakest point of faith is trusting that God will take care of me financially even though He has proven himself time and time again. I've gotten used to taking care of myself over the last couple of years and I'm finding it difficult to relinquish control. Its not like bills will wait for God's timing... you know? I'm praying like crazy for patience but I'm also praying like crazy that if this is hospital is not the one God intends for me to travel to first, that He provide another one...quickly ;)I covet your prayers in this!

I've been in my new apartment for about a week now. It's been a whirlwind. I've hardly had time to notice the difference. Move-in day was as good as could be expected. And we've been unpacking boxes ever since. We finally removed the 6 foot tall x 20 foot long pile of cardboard boxes from our garage yesterday. I'm looking forward to the day when I can come home and not have to figure out where things are going to go. I've had to come up with some pretty creative storage solutions since my living space is a BIT smaller than previously. (My old apartment really spoiled me!!) This move has been good for re-evaluating my priorities. I've been reminded that material possessions are just that... material. I had a bit of a meltdown when I realized I couldn't have all my "stuff" with me at my new apartment. I didn't like that about myself. I don't want to be materialistic and selfish. I don't want to be "of this world". I was forced to take a step back and think about how important things had become in my life. I do enjoy the things I've acquired over the years don't get me wrong. Many of my things have precious memories attached. I needed to be reminded that its the memories and the life moments that are important. So once I came back to my senses, the adjustment has been much easier. I've been working this week and this weekend I have to clean my old apartment and turn in the keys and I'll be done with that place. It'll be good to be responsible for just one residence. I haven't quite gotten used to living with people again. Our schedules are all over the place at work these days since its the holidays. So hopefully soon we'll get to spend some time together.

Thanksgiving is just a few days away! I have to work but will get to spend a few hours with my family. I am so looking forward to it. I wish I had more time to spend with them but I cherish the time I have with them. I wish warm, fuzzy family gatherings for everyone! Happy Thanksgiving!

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