The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live in that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it,under its roof(barbara kingsolver)... this is the journey of defining my hopes and living them to the fullest...and all the random junk along the way.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

3 a.m. Ramblings

I decided not to travel right now. I've been in turmoil about it for some time. My recruiter was having a hard time finding an assignment that would pay an hourly rate close to what I'm making now. Plus the only element of travel that appeals to me is the travel. I want, rather I NEED a vacation! So to travel at a smaller pay rate means working more and traveling less...NOT different from what I'm doing now. Where's the appeal of packing up, driving across the country to do the EXACT same thing? Doesn't exist folks!!! PLUS I was offered a better contract at my current hospital. So it looks like MGM is gonna be home for a little bit longer. :)

I forgot (in just one short year) how difficult it is to live with other people. My new roommates and I have had a few tiffs....ugh! Its childish really but there is nothing easy about being with someone nearly 24/7 adding in the special "issues" we all bring to the mix. It is STRESSFUL to say the least. We're hanging in there by whatever strings there are to hold on to...but we're hanging!

I am at a loss-yet again- for Christmas present ideas. I had VERY good intentions of starting early and being finished by now but with only 2 presents under my belt, I have failed miserably... and I have about 7 days to get it all done before I work again. The pressure's on!

There is this condition that exists in the ICU. Its called ICU psychosis. It comes on without much warning and is a nightmare for the patient and nurse not to mention the family if they happen to witness it. It happens when days and nights get mixed up and sleep patterns are severely altered. Add in anti-anxiety meds and/or pain meds and there ya go...a vicious cycle of confusion that usually ends with nurses close to a break down and a patient in some sort of restraint. Ya'll I had the CUTEST patient the other night who came down with a bad case of it and lost her EVER LOVIN' mind! She was soooo sweet about it though. Despite the inappropriateness of her behavior, it really did show the true content of her character. She was the sweetest little southern hostess. She was in her room (in the ICU) trying to serve cake to her husband and neighbors. She attempted several times to get out of bed to get the cake and even offered to make a fresh one (warm apple walnut, I believe it was). Mind you these people were not there, seeing as how it was 2 o'clock in the morning. AND one of her "dear sweet" friends, Mr. Furrow was having a terrible fit of itching and this sweet thing again, tried to get out of bed to rub him down with Witch Hazel. She just couldn't understand, for the life of her, why I wouldn't talk to these people or let her go tend to them. The cake was goin' to waste if someone didn't eat it and poor Mr. Furrow was havin' a terrible time and needed a rub down. Evidently, she saw a baby lying in water that she needed to save. (Imagine the guilt I felt in telling her she couldn't save that baby). Even in her bouts of crazy, this woman was doing her best, literally risking injury, to help her friends and loved ones. I want to be that kind of person. I want service to be second nature, so much so that even when I am 80 some-odd years old, laid up in the hospital with broken bones and have lost my mind, I'm still trying to serve cake and Witch Hazel. Today, though she was completely better. She finally got a good night's sleep and the psychosis went away. She'll be going home soon to actually serve cake for Christmas. (Hope Mr. Furrow is doing well)

Hope all is well...Christmas shopping and what-not. Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

erin said...

a suggestion for you to make it easy and it's a fun way to help make the world a better place. find b'ham's location of Ten Thousand Villages and shop around. It's a nonprofit shop that is run by volunteers and sells things made by projects in 3rd world countries. Each gift has where it's from and if you search their web pg you can even find out from what project. They are at fair market value and high quality handmade items. everything from picture frames, bowels, decorations, tons of jewlry, purses, statues, planters, christmas ornaments, ect. You know exactly where the money is going to. It's an amazing cause to support and it was cool to give gifts from other countries.

I gave EVERYONE on my list last year something from there and every bday since. Haven't had a complaint yet! :) It's a onestop shop.