The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live in that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it,under its roof(barbara kingsolver)... this is the journey of defining my hopes and living them to the fullest...and all the random junk along the way.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Pieces of Me

I recently read a blog posted by a woman who described a moment she had with God that was really profound to me. She is reading a book on grieving having lost a child a little over a month ago. The author suggested breaking something as a form of therapy. It sounded absurd but she decided to give it a try anyway, more so at the urging of that still, small voice she recognizes as God's voice. God seemed to take over the therapy session as she felt led by Him to put the shattered pitcher back together again. As she pieced together the tiny shards and slivers of pottery, she began to recognize this mess of a project as her life. The pieces were the moments and memories God allowed her to experience and grow through, the places He brought her into and out of. She spent time in each memory and saw God's presence and hand at work in her life. She cried as she watched God mend her life through her own hands and a pile of boken glass. She finally pieced the pitcher back together. She found it beautiful in all its imperfection. It wasn't perfect but neither is her life. The cracks and missing pieces or her life only allow space for God to seep in and fill her... mend her.

She found a peace in her spirit she hasn't felt for quite some time. She urged her readers to do the same thing... to left God show Himself to us through our broken, beautiful lives.

I think I'm going to do this. Lately, my pitcher feels like its overflowing and not necessarily with all the abundant blessings God bestows upon me. I feel stressed most of the time in my daily life. I tend to get to focused on things that aren't going exactly as planned. I think it would do me some good to give this a try and focus my attention on the beauty of my brokenness. I have to admit this scares me a little. The intensity of the raw emotion this exercise can bring up is hard to face. The healing and relief it can bring is intimidating. I think I tend to hold on to things out of my need to be in control... to let go is frightening. So I'm working up the courage to do it. I'll let you know how it goes... stay tuned.

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